Monday, June 4, 2018

Time4CS Modules and Student Achievement

This study sought to bring more CS to elementary students and to explore the relationship between implementing the Time4CS modules and grade 3-5 students’ CS attitudes and academic achievement. 
Key findings in this analysis were:
  1. Teacher completion of a higher percentage of “extra” CS lessons was significantly associated with higher scores on the FSA ELA and mathematics assessments under the condition where the teachers reported themselves as higher in “resourcefulness and coping;” and
  2. Teacher completion of a higher percentage of “extra” CS lessons was significantly associated with higher scores on the FSA science assessment under the condition where the teacher also reported high levels of resourcefulness and coping.

Century, J., Ferris, K., & Zuo, Huifang (2018). Finding time for computer science in the elementary day: Preliminary findings of an exploratory study.

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