Monday, June 4, 2018

Report by IMLS and YALSA Discuss Taking Action to Improve Library Community

This report states the time for the library community to take action is now because:

-       Teens make up a significant portion of library users.
-       Library services and resources for teens are in jeopardy.
-       There has been a significant shift in the demographics of teens.
-       Technology continues to impact communication methods, teaching, and learning.
-       Teens are entering the workforce without critical skills.

This report states that it is important to gather the library staff and key stakeholders in the community to determine what the most pressing needs of the teens in your community are. Then examine the library services currently being provided for and with teens and work with stakeholders to create a plan for moving forward together.

Braun, L. W., Hartman, M., Hughes-Hassell, S., & Kumasi, K. (2014). The future of library services for and with teens: A call to action. Washington, D.C. & Chicago, IL: Institute of Museum and Library Services & Young Adult Library Servies Association.

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