Wednesday, October 24, 2018

College Students’ Learning Preferences

For the sixth annual "Online College Students 2017: Comprehensive Data on Demands and Preferences" report, researchers polled 1,500 students who are "seriously considering, currently enrolled in or have recently graduated from a fully online program" in an effort to better understand the behaviors and needs of the typical online college student. More than half of the survey respondents deemed interaction with their academic community important; a quarter asserted that "having more contact with their instructors and more engagement with classmates would improve the caliber of their online courses." Over half of the online students surveyed travel to campus one to five times per year in order to meet their instructor, attend a study group or otherwise participate in the academic community.

Learning House, & Aslanian Market Research (2017). Online college students 2017: Comprehensive data on demands and preferences. Louisville, KY and Hoboken, NJ: Learning House and Aslanian Market Research.

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