Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Online safety instruction survey

Who's responsible for making sure students get an education in online safety? According to four out of five teachers, parents are relying on the schools too much in this regard.
Two-thirds of respondents said that schools should provide better training on using the Internet as an educational tool; only 28 percent reported that they've had formal training. Seventy-seven percent added that Internet safety should show up in the syllabus. Those numbers are fairly consistent with findings among American teachers specifically. Seventy-five percent said they feel that parents are too dependent on teachers to teach Internet safety; 39 percent said they believe that parents lack an understanding about the subject; 68 percent said they think schools should do a better job of training on Internet use; and 70 percent suggested that Internet safety be part of the school syllabus.
Nearly three-quarters of teachers in the United States reported that they have never had formal Internet safety training themselves, even though 86 percent use Web content in the classroom and 40 percent assign online homework assignments.

AVG. (2014). Teachers Struggle Under the Weight of Parents’ Expectations for Child Online Safety Education in Schools.

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