Thursday, February 15, 2018

More Cyberbullying on Instagram

Scientists from Ditch the Label, an anti-bullying charity, conducted a study to determine how social media can cause anxiety among youth. By surveying more than 10,000 people aged 12 to 20, they examined cyberbullying on Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. Overall, over half of people had been sent a nasty private message and slightly less than half of people said they had a nasty comment posted on their profile. But Instagram was the most concerning. They found that slightly less than half of Instagram users had been bullied on the platform compared to a third for Facebook and Snapchat, and a tenth for YouTube and Twitter. Researchers suggest that the industry and civil society should develop a set of core values in the digital environment. They also suggested that tech companies should respond faster to online conflicts, concerns and inappropriate content. 

Ditch the Label (2017). The annual bullying survey 2017. Los Angeles, CA: Ditch the Label.

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