Sunday, February 4, 2018

Educators Possess OER Awareness but Lack Understanding

According to a survey conducted by the Babson Survey Research Group, roughly three fourths of educators are aware of open educational resources (OER) but lack a full understanding of OER licensing. Meanwhile, only a sliver of those who responded said they have adopted an OER curriculum. Faculty continue to report significant barriers to OER adoption. The most serious issues continue to be the effort needed to find and evaluate suitable material. OER also addresses a key concern of many faculty: the cost of materials. The implications of this report indicate a need for greater OER awareness and understanding to positively impact education.

Seaman, J. E., & Seaman, J. (2017). Opening the textbook: Educational resources in U.S. higher education, 2017. Babson Park, MA: Babson Survey Research Group.

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