Thursday, April 12, 2018

Student Reading Trends in United States

The 10th anniversary edition of What Kids Are Reading, the world's largest annual study of K-12 student reading habits, discusses a program called Accelerated Reader, which helps teachers promote and manage students’ reading practice by providing independent reading and targeted nonfiction reading practice. Additionally, this report examines the reading records of millions of students across the United States to discover their favorite books, the factors that drive reading growth, trends in nonfiction reading, and so much more.  This report discusses:

  • Which practices help struggling readers reach grade-level goals
  • Changes in students' nonfiction and STEM reading over the years
  • Most-popular and highest-rated books and articles for each grade
  • How student reading habits compare to college and career demands
  • Short essays from beloved authors and fellow educators

Reinassance (2018). What kids are reading – With essays from popular authors Nick Bruel and Janet Stevens. Wisconsin Rapids, WI: Reinassance.

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