Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Need for soft skills report

Schools should assess students on both "academic knowledge" and "nonacademic skills"—like teamwork, critical thinking, and creativity—parents and educators said in a new survey.
But they offered widely varying views on exactly what those skills should be.Strategies like social-emotional learning; social, emotional, and academic development; and an overall broader focus on "educating the whole child" have drawn a growing interest among educators and parents. But many schools have resisted assessing students' growth in these areas. That's in part because many researchers have said measures of social-emotional and "soft skills" are not sophisticated enough to adequately track progress over time.And, as the poll results show, schools may struggle to narrow down what soft skills to emphasize and, eventually, to measure.
NWEA. (2018). Assessing soft skills: Are we preparing students for successful futures?  Washington, DC: Gallup.

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