Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Diversity in Librarianship Study

 A new study highlights areas of growth for improving diversity across the library field. The study draws on qualitative research from 50 library professionals representing various genders, race, tenures, ages, and geography.

"Seven key findings emerged:

  1. For library professionals, “diversity” is a complex term. Understanding its nuances can help focus and advance the diversification of librarianship.
  2. Increasing awareness and education about librarianship can create a stronger foundation — and, theoretically, a more diverse pipeline — for the future of the profession.
  3. Mentorship is invaluable. Developing more and larger networks of mentorship can support librarians and break down navigational challenges that traditionally — and disproportionately — impact underrepresented communities.
  4. Creating a positive workplace culture and providing managerial training can strengthen onboarding experiences, foster inclusion and encourage culture change within libraries.
  5. Librarians need support from leadership, both from their direct supervisors and their institutions.
  6. Professional development and compensation must be considered when evaluating retention efforts.
  7. Future diversity efforts should consider both micro- and macro-level approaches. Micro-level approaches follow a bottom-up framing with support from individuals and local-level libraries. Macro-level approaches rely on a top-down framing with more organizational and institutional support."

American Library Association and Gallup. (2025). Empowering voices, inspiring change: Advancing diversity within librarianship. American Library Association. https://www.ala.org/news/2025/02/american-library-association-and-gallup-release-new-diversity-study

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