Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Children's reading habits studies

According to a new study, 67% of US children aged 2–13 are now reading ebooks. That’s up from 54%, the number recorded in a similar study from 2013. Some 92% of the kids who do read ebooks read them at least once a week, with many of them reading ebooks every day.

Despite tight budgets that have compounded the numerous challenges to implementation, media specialists are ‘generally enthusiastic about the continued adoption of ebooks by their students, and usage in school libraries—especially at the high school level—is expected to continue rising incrementally, according to an annual survey, the fourth of its kind.
Bryant, A. (2014).What a Difference a Year Makes: Kids and E-Reading Trends 2012-13. Digital Book World.

The ABCs ofkids and ebooks. (2014).Digital Book World.

2013 Survey of Ebook Usage in U.S. School (K–12) Libraries. (2014).  School Library Journal.

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