Sunday, September 23, 2012

School technology needs survey

A new survey commissioned by Dell suggests that schools are not meeting students' technology needs and that China is ahead of the United States and Germany when it comes to using technology in learning.Other key findings of the report include:
  • Although 51 percent of student respondents said that technology could be a distraction, 63 percent said its benefits outweigh that possibility;
  • While six in 10 U.S. respondents said they do not think students should use social media in class to share what they're learning, most Chinese respondents said they do approve of such use;
  • Forty percent of respondents from the U.S. and 26 percent from Germany said their teachers understand technology better than they do;
  • Of student respondents, half said they use technology to interact with school when not there;
  • Students reported using technology at home for school work more than any other activity;
  • Seventy-one percent of students who responded said that they have access to better technology at home than they do at school; and
  • Most student respondents from the U.S. and Germany reported using technology for two hours or less each day at school.
  • Dell. (2012). Innovation in education.

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