Thursday, February 16, 2012

Canadian Internet use study

This study investigates how digital technologies are being integrated into classrooms, how they enhance learning, and what the impact on the teacher-student relationship is. While Canadian educators believe that digital technologies can enrich students’ learning, there are still significant challenges to overcome in making this happen – with one of the main barriers being students’ lack of digital literacy skills. And school filters and policies that ban or restrict networked devices in the classroom take away the very opportunities young people need to develop digital literacy skills such as good judgment and responsible use. “This study makes it clear that young Canadians need to learn digital literacy and digital citizenship in their schools, and that teachers need to be provided with the tools, support and learning opportunities to be able to teach them those skill."
Media Awareness Network. (2012).
Young Canadians in a Wired World, Phase III: Teachers' Perspective. Ottawa: Author.

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