Sunday, August 26, 2012

Tech device use study

Devices Add More Value When Used With Interactive Whiteboards

A study involving more than 300 educators from around the world reveals that using both interactive whiteboards and personal devices such as tablets or PCs in the classroom provides more value than using either on its own because it enhances the ability to shift easily between whole-class, small group and individual learning.

The survey also found that instructional technology works most effectively when it is combined with teacher training, high-quality digital content and implementation best practices. The study was conducted by Filigree Consulting, an independent consulting firm specializing in technology research, on behalf of SMART Technologies Inc.

According to the study results, 70 percent of the educators who had a high-level of collaborative learning adoption combined with best practices reported receiving above average returns on their technology investment, including gains in student achievement. By contrast, nearly half of the educators who had implemented instructional technology without a developed strategy reported below average returns.

Filigree Consulting. (2012). Instructional Technology and Collaborative Learning Best Practices: Global Report and Recommendations. Calgary, Canada: Smart Technologies.

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